i am sunnie or vivienne, though feel free to also call me vivi! i go by any pronouns and many many neos! my full list is here! i am seventeen years old im also white (more specifically slavic), autistic, and a lesbian! there are other things about me i wont list here, if were close enough feel free to ask abt them in dms!
basic criteria, pro-israel or neutral, anti-recovery, against self diagnosis with research, non-traumagen sys supporters, proshippers, otherwise i block freely, additionally
im not active that often, i block freely, i fb selectively, i wont fb if youre under 15, i make typos and use caps a lot
i am a yumejoshi, meaning i self ship with certain characters!
please check out my list before following me!

cute things, apples, pudding, colour pink and yellow, girls, bunnies, cats, jellyfish, pigs, stuffies, happy things
tomatoes, fuzzy drinks, meanies, spicy food, wet things, bees, negativity, loud noises
fav media
whispering you a love song, the guy she was interested in wasnt a guy at all, baby tyrant, omniscient readers viewpoint, puela magi madoka magica, pokemon, a silent voice, a lot of shoujo series, love live
fav games
shinymas, bandori, project sekai, shinysong, minecraft, stardew valley, sims 4, mochi cats
other interests
space, floriography, music, art, art history, cats and their body language, j-idols, lolita and jirai kei fashion, psychology, photo and video editing, photography, coding, poetry, crocheting